Which male celebrity has the perfect face?

A thread on popular message board Girls Channel recently amassed tons of attention. The topic? The controversial question of which male celebrity has the perfect face. There were many different responses – some surprising…and some not. Hollywood hunks, top Japanese actors – there’s definitely a certain type of male they’re in to and it doesn’t seem to be that of popular singing groups.

Reading Japanese comments is a good way to understand how they view their own entertainment and celebrity culture, but remember that these comments don’t represent the majority opinion. It’s merely just a quick peek. Check out some of the top and lowest comments below:

Anonymous 2014/07/02 17:58:37

Whether you like their personality or not, who has the perfect face?

Please tell us what male celebrity you think is most handsome ♪

Mine is Masanobu Ando’s.
I think..it would be cool to include a stylish photo too!(//∇//)

Anonymous 2014/07/02 17:59:52 [Message]


Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:00:47 [Message]
Germany’s goal keeper [Manuel] Neuer!
He is pretty much perfect to me
Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:00:47 [Message]

Satoshi Tsumabuki. His facial features are arranged so perfectly.

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:01:26 [Message]

Yutaka Takenouchi!

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:01:43
Miura Shohei is good, but his nose could use some work.
Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:04:41 [Message]

Masaki Okada

Not only his face, but his style is also the best

Tall, small face, long limbs, beautiful skin. His looks are perfect!

He’s a prince.

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:05:33 [Message]
Yousuke Saitou

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:05:30 [Message]
Hiro Mizushima

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:06:21 [Message]
Kengo Kora [is] too cool^^

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:08:02 [Message]
He’s not a celebrity, just someone I thought was perfect. I don’t like him he’s just picture-perfect!

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:14:00 [Message]
Tom Cruise
He’s even handsome as a clown.
I think that tomorrow is his birthday!

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:15:30 [Message]
Ohno Satoshi
Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:20:03 [Message]
Yamapi. His face is beautiful. I couldn’t resist him when he had his long black hair.

Anonymous 2014/07/02 19:10:05 [Message]
KAT-TUN’s Yuichi Nakamaru

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:41:36 [Message]
Masanobu Ando

Do you like HIM or his character in ‘Ao no Jidai’?

What has he even been doing since he was dropped from his agency last year..?

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:44:33 [Message]
Why are you all so negative about Arashi members?
Take a look at your own husband/boyfriends.
Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:48:32 [Message]

You don’t choose your husband or boyfriend because of their face. It’s almost impossible to get along with such a perfect person.

I don’t give a damn, we’re just saying who we think have most perfect faces!

Anonymous 2014/07/02 18:57:20 [Message]
The world’s most recognized soccer player – Mr. Beckham!

Who’s your #1 hottie superbomb?

