Suiyoubi no Campanella, [Alexandros], KANA-BOON, and More Perform on HEY! HEY! HEY! MUSIC CHAMP’s New Spinoff

Tonight, HEY! HEY! NEO! premiered its first episode. It is a spinoff of the popular music show HEY! HEY! HEY! MUSIC CHAMP, which went off the air in 2012. Like its predecessor, this show is hosted by Downtown. HEY! HEY! NEO! will focus on newer acts. The guests on this episode were [Alexandros], KANA-BOON, Suiyoubi no Campanella, Kyuso Nekokami, MAN WITH A MISSION, and Bed In.

[Alexandros] – Wataridori

KANA-BOON – Full Drive

Suiyoubi no Campanella – Momotaro

Kyuso Nekokami –  Snap to Oyaji

MAN WITH A MISSION – Raise your flag

Bed In – Poker Game

