EXILE AKIRA marries Taiwanese actress Lin Chi-ling

EXILE THE SECOND member EXILE AKIRA has suddenly announced his marriage! Taking to his official Instagram account, the singer and actor revealed that he married Taiwanese actress and model Lin Chi-ling.

Referring to her as a “famous actress” and someone who he had a “long-standing friendship” with, he thanked fans for their continuous support.

According to his statement on Instagram, the two first met 8 years ago while filming “Red Cliff -Love”. The two got along on set and quickly became friends. They didn’t actually start dating until last year however, but AKIRA felt strongly that he wanted her to be his partner in life.

Lin Chi-ling was previously in a high profile romance with Taiwanese singer Jerry Yan, who was a member of the boy group F4. Despite staying friends after breaking up (the two were spotted heading the gym together i 2017), he wasn’t aware that she even got married.

While filming for a television show in Beijing, someone reportedly broke the news to Jerry, who immediately asked for confirmation from his manager. Once confirmed he apparently simply said “I wish her all the best“.

AKIRA closed his statement by saying he will not forget where he came from, and will continue to work even harder to give back to all of his supporters.


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日頃より皆様方には大変お世話になっており、誠にありがとうございます。 私事ではございますが、 以前から交友のあった女優の林志玲(リン・チーリン)さんと、 6 月 6 日に結婚しましたことをご報告させていただきます。 8 年前に共演した舞台「レッドクリフ ~愛~」をきっかけに、 長い間、親しい友人としてお付き合いしていくなかでお互いに惹かれ合い、 人生のパートナーとして共に歩んでいきたいと強く思い、 昨年から交際に至り、これまで 2 人の仲を深め、向き合ってきました。 多忙な日々の中、志玲さんはいつも自分のことよりも家族や仲間を大切にし、 それ以上に、自分の活動を通してファンの皆様やアジアの多くの方々を大切にし、 沢山の愛情や勇気を届けている姿を近くで見てきて、 その責任感の強さと、愛に溢れる人柄に心惹かれました。 そして、どんな時も、ありのままの僕を笑顔で受け入れてくれる大きな優しさに、 感謝の気持ちと共に、志玲さんを心から幸せにしたいと真摯に思いました。 まだまだ未熟者ではございますが、これからは志玲さんと家族を大切にしながら、 これまで皆様が与えてくださった全てに感謝し、表現者としてこれまで以上に 自覚と責任を持って、芸道に精進してまいります。 そして、エンタテインメントの世界で今以上に初心を忘れず、 日頃から応援してくださっている皆様に恩返し出来ますよう精進していきたいと 思っておりますので、今後とも、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 令和元年 6 月 6 日 EXILE AKIRA #出会ったころの写真を使わせていただきました #AKIRA #林志玲 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー To all my fans: Thank you always for your continuous support. I am excited to announce that on June 6th, I married Lin Chi-ling, the famous actress, with whom I have had a long-standing friendship. Ever since sharing the stage with her on “Red Cliff -Love-” eight years ago, we developed a friendship and just last year, it evolved into something more. I felt strongly that I want her to be my partner in life as we see our true selves in each other. No matter how busy she may be, she always puts her family, friends and fans before herself and constantly strives to provide love and courage to many people across Asia, always staying true to her roots. I was strongly attracted to her sense of responsibility and caring nature. With a smile, she always accepts me for who I am, and I constantly feel nothing but appreciation for her kindness. It pushes me to be better and I truly want to make her happy. I am in no way accomplished and I still have many things to learn, but because I cherish this bond with her and her family, I will continue down my path as an artist with a higher sense of self-awareness and responsibility, while not forgetting to appreciate everything that you all have given me. I will not forget where I came from, and will work harder, in order to give back to all the people who have always supported me. Sincerely, EXILE AKIRA

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