On November 11, Ryusenkei and Hitomitoi will release their collaboration album “Talio.” The album serves as the soundtrack for the NHK drama “Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari.” The album includes the drama’s opening theme song, “Kinyoubi no Venus” (a collaboration with Horigome Yasuyuki), and its closing theme song “Kanashii Kurai Diamond.” “Talio” also includes the insert song “Shin Ki Ro.”
In keeping with the city pop theme, the cover art for “Talio” was created by Nagai Hiroshi, who also created the cover art for Ohtaki Eiichi‘s seminal 1979 album “A LONG VACATION.”
The music video for “Kanashii Kurai Diamond” was recently released. It was shot on the set of “Tario Fukushu Daiko no Futari.” Check it out below, along with more information on Ryusenkei and Hitomitoi’s new album!

1. 金曜日のヴィーナス feat. 堀込泰行 (Kinyoubi no Venus feat. Horigome Yasuyuki)
2. タリオのテーマ (Talio no Theme)
3. モンキービジネス (Monkey Business)
4. 予告編 (Yokokuhen)
5. 蜃・気・楼 (Shin Ki Ro)
6. 哀愁のタリオ (Aishuu no Talio)
7. 恋愛小説 (Renai Shosetsu)
8. 魚座の最後の日 (Uoza no Saigo no Hi)
9. 真実のテーマ ~Focus~ (Shinjitsu no Theme ~Focus~)
10. シボレー67 (Chevrolet 67)
11. チープスリル (Cheap Thrill)
12. 真夜中の訪問者 (Mayonaka no Homonsha)
13. 嘘つき手品 (Usotsuki Tejina)
14. 復讐と冷静の間で (Fukushuu to Reisei no Ma de)
15. エデンの惑星 (Eden no Wakusei)
16. 曇り時々雨 (Kumori Tokidoki Ame)
17. ミスターK (Mister K)
18. 真実のテーマ ~City Light~ (Shinjitsu no Theme ~City Light~)
19. タリオのバラード (Talio no Ballad)
20. 悲しいくらいダイヤモンド (Kanashii Kurai Diamond)
21. 黒岩のテーマ (Kuroiwa no Theme)