modelpress Reveals Its “Faces of 2022”

modelpress has revealed its “Faces of 2022”!

The results came about through a mix three criteria: a public survey, a survey of 30 members of modelpress’ editorial staff, and the number of articles the person was in on modelpress in 2022.

The public survey was conducted October 24 – November 15. There were 17,938 respondents, with the male to female ratio being 1:9. The respondents ages were 10s (14.7%), 20s (24.7%), 30s (18.8%), 40s (21.2%), 50s (16.1%), and 60s (4.5%).

See who was chosen below!

Kawaguchi Haruna

H&Mの2022年『Golden Week Collection』川口春奈 さん出演のキャンペーン&メイキング・インタビュー動画が本日から公開|H&Mのプレスリリース

The drama “silent” has been a social phenomenon, especially with the youth, making it the most viewed drama on TVer ever

Meguro Ren (Snow Man)

目黒蓮」のアイデア 400 件【2022】 | 目黒, スノーマン, メメ

The drama “silent” has made him a name outside of Johnny’s fans, with more acting work in the pipeline along with his actitivies in Snow Man

Hirose Alice

広瀬アリス - 映画ナタリー

Appeared in two dramas and three movies this year

Oguri Shun

鎌倉殿の13人」小栗旬インタビュー 「大きな決断迫られる」:中日新聞Web

Appeared in the NHK taiga “Kamakura dono no 13 nin”

Hirate Yurina

六本木クラス】平手友梨奈効果はまだ続く?右肩上がりの視聴率がまだまだ伸びるワケ! | asageiMUSE

Appeared in the drama “Roppongi Class”

Ninomiya Kazunari (Arashi)

二宮和也 | Johnny's net

Success this year as an actor, artist, and YouTuber

Mamiya Shotaro

60年たって、なぜまた映画に」 間宮祥太朗さんが問う差別 | 毎日新聞

Starred in three consecutive dramas this year, showing a range of acting ability


TWICE's Most Meaningful Songs: Member Picks – Billboard

Renewed their contracts and restarted full activities in Japan


FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE New Single「サンタモニカ・ロリポップ」 3/9(Wed)Release!! | EXILE  TRIBE mobile

The members have appeared in a number of solo activities from dramas to movies to variety shows


ゆうちゃみ「今までやったことがないセクシーなショットにも挑戦しました」 | ananニュース – マガジンハウス

A top gyaru started in variety shows, but now appearing in dramas and causing a stir with her dating life

Kanagawa Saya (Nogizaka46)

乃木坂46・金川紗耶】美人度が増してると評判!あか抜けの秘訣って? | Ray(レイ)

Her “Fox Dance” to cheer on Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters became a social phenomenon

Saito Nagisa (=LOVE)

LOVE・齊藤なぎさ、卒業発表後の心境を語った「すごく楽しい5年間。恩返しをしたい」 (2022年10月4日) - エキサイトニュース

Gaining popularity as a actress, causing her to leave her group to pursue it full time


Ado | Spotify

Her role as the singing voice of Uta in “ONE PIECE FILM RED” has led to her Kohaku debut


ヒカル「誹謗中傷を受けることは有名税」 “花束投げ捨て”釈明動画にふれYouTuberとしての持論語る | ORICON NEWS

A YouTuber has now expanded into books, resturants, apparel, and beauty


コムドット・やまと 新刊に秋元康氏から推薦文「コムドットは“サービス精神の塊”」「感動すら覚える」― スポニチ Sponichi Annex 芸能

The leader of Comdot has gained a lot of individual attention this year for his business books and business acumen

Asakura Mikuru

朝倉未来の正体。“100の質問から見えてきた朝倉未来の素顔とは?”[ロングインタビュー再録] | FITNESS LOVE

His MMA YouTube series “BreakingDown” is a hit


