Singer MISIA recently suffered a serious injury while filming for the TBS news show “news23“. In the television show MISIA was participating in a segment highlighting professional athletes with disabilities to help promote the Special Olympics.
While filming MISIA was sitting on top of a horse but by accident the horse became startled by TBS staff, as a result the horse suddenly took off. MISIA fell off the horse directly on her back resulting in spinal damage, specifically her 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae were fractured. Luckily, she was able to avoid any head injuries since she was wearing a helmet. TBS has issued a formal apology for the incident.

MISIA will have to recover for at least six weeks, currently has to wear a special corset to help her heal. This injury has directly interfered with promotions for her new Christmas album “So Special Christmas“, released on November 18th, 2020.
NHK has released their own statement on MISIA’s injury stating “We pray for her earliest possible recovery so that she can patriciate in this years “Kohaku Uta Gassen”.
(via yahoo / nikkansports)