Earlier today, “2022 FNS Kayousai Haru Meikyoku Library” aired. The show was hosted by Aiba Masaki and Fuji TV announcer Nagashima Yumi. The show consisted mainly of clips of old performances, with a cast of talk guests that included AI, Koda Kumi, Takamizawa Toshihiko, Dacho Club, Domoto Koichi, Nogizaka46‘s Kaki Haruka and Shibata Yuna, Fitz Mangrove, and Bishonen‘s Ukisho Hadaka, Fujii Naoki, and Kanasashi Issei.
The performers were Yuuri, Bishonen, and Sakanaction (making their FNS Kayousai debut).
Yuuri – Dry Flower
Bishonen – Sakura Sake (Arashi cover)
Sakanaction – Tsuki no Wan