Arashi Tops LINE’s Male Idol Group Popularity Survey

LINE’s female idol group popularity ranking was posted, and now it’s time for male idol groups! The same number of LINE users were surveyed (568,344) during the same time period (July 20 – 28) as the female ranking. This ranking too shows an overall count, but also breaks down the results based on gender and age.

There is zero surprise Arashi came out on top. They were followed by TOKIO and Sandaime J Soul Brothers. Male respondents favored TOKIO, while their female counterparts were more into Arashi. These ranking held true for the teens as well.

There are some more insights on why Arashi is so popular. When asked to choose a favorite member, 22.9% of respondents said they liked the group as a whole. When asked what they liked most about the group, 60.51% said it was the group’s good relationship.

Check out the full results below!

Overall Ranking

1. Arashi: 18.38%

2. TOKIO: 10.98%

3. Sandaime J Soul Brothers: 5.88%

4. Kanjani8: 5.5%

5. EXILE: 4.97%

6. KinKi Kids: 2.9%

7. Big Bang: 2.35%

8. Tohoshinki: 1.76%

9. V6: 1.62%

10. Kis-My-Ft2: 1.43%


Male Ranking

1. TOKIO: 16.35%

2. Arashi: 13.33%

3. EXILE: 5.58%

4. Sandaime J Soul Brothers: 4.84%

5. Kanjani8: 4.31%

6. KinKi Kids: 2.46%

7. Big Bang: 2.02%

8. V6: 1.31%

9. Tohoshinki: 1.07%

10. Kis-My-Ft2: 0.65%


Female Ranking

1. Arashi: 22.6%

2. Sandaime J Soul Brothers: 6.75%

3. TOKIO: 6.51%

4. Kanjani8: 6.5%

5. EXILE: 4.45%

6. KinKi Kids: 3.26%

7. Big Bang: 2.62%

8. Tohoshinki: 2.35%


10. V6: 1.89%


Male Teen Ranking

1. Arashi: 15.35%

2. TOKIO: 12.32%

3. Sandaime J Soul Brothers: 6.07%

4. Kanjani8: 4.09%

5. EXILE: 3.48%

6. Big Bang: 2.78%

7. Bodan Shonen Dan: 1.13%

8. NEWS: 1.08%

9. Hey! Say! JUMP: 0.97%

10. Tohoshinki: 0.96%


Female Teen Ranking

1. Arashi: 19.03%

2. Kanjani8: 6.3%

3. Hey! Say! JUMP: 5.56%

4. Sandaime J Soul Brothers: 4.91%

5. TOKIO: 3.52%

6. Bodan Shonen Dan: 3.21%

7. NEWS: 2.89%

8. Johnny’s WEST: 2.88%

9. Kis-My-Ft2: 2.67%

10. Sexy Zone: 2.46%

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