In the upcoming film Unbroken directed by Angelina Jolie, singer Miyavi plays the role of Mutsushiro “The Bird” Watanabe, a World War II POW camp guard. In the film, his mission is to break the spirit of lead character Louis Zamperini (Jack O’Connell), an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II. Unbroken, based on the book “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Surivival, Resilience, and Redemption” by Laura Hillenbrand, tells story of how Zamperini survived as a POW in several Japanese war prisons.
In the trailer below the cut, Miyavi shows up starting at the 1:20 point.
Unbroken hits screens on December 25th along with a plethora of other films. But only one of them stars Miyavi.