NHK World wants YOU for their Japanese music survey

NHK World is an international broadcasting service of Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK. With the purpose of spreading Japanese music to an international audience the  weekly television show, J-MELO was created in 2005. Every year, J-MELO carries out a survey on international Japanese music fans, asking them various questions. These questions range from how they gather information on Japanese entertainment to their feelings on Cool Japan.

Find out more about the survey below!

This year is no exception with them tweeting about wanting to improve their show as well as find out how people access Japanese music the world around. It is important  to note that J-MELO or NHK are not in direct relations with the Japanese government or Cool Japan. However there is a possibility that the information gathered may have an impact on how Cool Japan is carried out.


This survey is also a good way for international fans of Japanese music to let their voices be heard. In previous years, the J-MELO website has tabulated the results of their research as seen here. If you’re interested in filling out the 2014 edition of the survey, feel free to do so here.

Source: J-MELO RESEARCH 2014

