Today, it was announced that AI gave birth to her first child, a girl, on August 28! The announcement was made by her husband, HIRO of Kaiki Gesshoku, via Instagram. He said that her water broke in the middle of the night on August 27. They then went to the hospital. After 3 hours of labor, AI gave birth to their daughter. It was an easy delivery. His healthy wife and daughter have since been discharged from the hospital. He thanked everyone for their support. He posted some photos of their new child, which can be seen after the jump!
この小さい手で、ギューッと力を込めて握られると彼女の生命力を感じると共に、全身全霊懸けて彼女を守っていく決意の力が身体中を駆け巡ります‼︎ 私達の元に生まれて来てくれて、本当にありがとうね ヨーシ‼︎頑張るゾー‼︎ A photo posted by HIRO (@hirotherisingsun) on
We wish the family the best on this joyous occasion!