“M Ai Subeki Hito ga Ite”, the drama based on the rise to fame of Ayumi Hamasaki, starring Kalen Anzai, is currently airing on TV Asahi and AbemaTV. On May 27, the drama’s soundtrack, “‘M Ai Subeki Hito ga Ite’ Sound Collection + A VICTORY Special Sampler”, will be released.
“‘M Ai Subeki Hito ga Ite’ Sound Collection + A VICTORY Special Sampler” will feature two CDs. The first CD will contain various music clips used in the drama, like that 90s softcore porn music that plays whenever Masa’s eye-patched secretary Himeno Reika appears (there’s even a clip just for her eye patch). It will aslo include “CAN’T STOP THIS!!” by the new generation Avex supergroup REVIVE ‘EM ALL 2020, as well as the real Ayu’s “M.”
The second CD of “‘M Ai Subeki Hito ga Ite’ Sound Collection + A VICTORY Special Sampler” will feature the music of A VICTORY, the label that stands in for Avex in the drama. It will feature the classic Avex songs covered by Avex’s new generation acts that were reported on earlier. It will also feature the demos that Masa listens to in the drama, as well as the original version of “CAN’T STOP THIS!!” by MAXIMIZOR.
The limited edition of the soundtrack will also include a 40-page photobook.


CD1 (Drama Soundtrack)
- M 愛すべき人がいて~メイン・テーマ (M Ai Subeki Hito ga Ite~Main Theme)
- 予感 (Yokan)
- True Love Story
- 俺を信じろ (Ore wo Shinjiro)
- マサとアユ (Masa to Ayu)
- 会いたいよ (Aitai yo)
- 輝楽天明 (Tenmei Kira)
- ベルファインのVIPルーム (Velfine no VIP Room)
- 「です」 (“Desu”)
- 姫野礼香のテーマ (Himeno Reika no Theme)
- 眼帯 (Gantai)
- ゆるさない (Yurusanai)
- NYのレッスン生活 (NY no Lesson Seikatsu)
- ミリオン歌手へ (Million Kashu e)
- ルーレット (Roulette)
- 永遠の愛 (Eien no Ai)
- 瞳を閉じて (Hitomi wo Tojite)
- You’re My Everything
- 逆走 (Gyakuso)
- 戻れない二人 (Modorenai Futari)
- Forever
- M / 浜崎あゆみ (ドラマ主題歌) (M / Ayumi Hamasaki (Drama Shudaika))
- CAN’T STOP THIS!! / REVIVE ‘EM ALL 2020 (REVIVE ‘EM ALL 2020 (Beverly / FAKY / FEMM / lol / Yup’in / 安斉かれん)) (ドラマ挿入歌) (CAN’T STOP THIS!! / REVIVE ‘EM ALL 2020 (REVIVE ‘EM ALL 2020 (Beverly / FAKY / FEMM / lol / Yup’in / Kalen Anzai)) (Drama Sonyu Uta)
CD (A VICTORY Special Sampler)
- EZ DO DANCE / USG (1cho)
- 出逢った頃のように / OTF (1cho) (Deatta Koro no You ni / OTF (1cho))
- 夢見る少女じゃいられない / 冴木真希 (1cho) (Yumemiru Shoujo ja Irarenai / Saeki Maki (1cho))
- City Light Wings / Axels
- our night, our light… (Demo)
- Portrait (Demo)
- 最後のリスタート (Demo) (Saigo no Restart (Demo))
- grace (Demo)
- SEREAL (Demo)
Photobook excerpts
