Monogatari Series: Final Season’s ‘Owarimonogatari’ is in production
Animator Hiroko Kazui’s official website has been updated to include storyboard work on the anime adaptation of Monogatari Series: Final Season’s Owarimonogatari. Her previous work includes storyboards for Hanamonogatari and various arcs of Monogatari Series: Second Season.
It is believed that it will air in 2015. Probably at the end of the year or early 2016.
Nisio Isin’s Monogatari Series: Final Season consists of 6 volumes. The first volume is Tsukimonogatari which has already been adapted and aired. The second volume is Koyomimonogatari, a short story collection. Volumes 3-5 span Owarimonogatari and the final volume is Zoku Owarimonogatari.
The 4-episode New Year’s Eve special Nekomonogatari, 26-episode Monogatari Series: Second Season, and 5-episode Summer special Hanamonogatari have already been broadcast. Kizumonogatari, the prologue of the monogatari series is still MIA on the other hand… There are no news on whether Koyomimonogatari will be adapted.