On October 4th, legendary singer and songwriter Yumi Matsutoya released a 3-disc 50th anniversary album “Yuming Banzai ! ~Yumi Matsutoya 50th Anniversary Best Album~.” In total, the album features 50 songs that were requested by the fans themselves, as well as one new song. The selection process of the songs occurred during the 2 week long radio campaign called “WE LOVE RADIO, Matsutoya Yumi’s 50th Anniversary.” Fans from all over the country would tune in and submit their stories about their favorite songs by Matsutoya. After about 20,000 requests the songs were then carefully selected for the album.
The songs were remixed and remastered by Grammy award-winning mix engineer Goh Hotoda, who has worked with artists such as Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Hikaru Utada.
The new single “Call Me Back” is the first duet between the current Yumi Matsutoya and her younger self Yumi Arai, whose vocals were reproduced using the latest AI technology. The music video for “Call Me Back” has been distributed on the metaverse “XR World (R)” provided by NTT DoCoMo. Yuming herself appeared as an avatar at the red carpet event during the unveiling of the music video. The plot of the video is a sci-fi story set in the year 2072, where Yumi Matsutoya meets Yumi Arai after 100 years.

“YUMING BANZAI” will come in three editions: First Press Limited Edition A [3 CDs + Blu-ray], First Press Limited Edition B [3 CDs + DVD], Regular Edition [CD3 Disc set]. Each version comes with a 94-page deluxe booklet with the anecdotes from fans who requested the 50 songs on the album.
Tracklist: Disc 1
1. A Midsummer Night’s Dream (真夏の夜の夢)
2. Central Freeway (中央フリーウェイ)
3. Dandelion ~ The Late Blooming Dandelion (ダンデライオン~遅咲きのたんぽぽ)
4. Airplane Cloud (ひこうき雲)
5. Flying Down on the Green Town (緑の町に舞い降りて)
6. Regret From My Youth (青春のリグレット)
8. Close Your Eyes (瞳を閉じて)
9. Graduation Photo (卒業写真)
10. The Last Spring Break (最後の春休み)
11. Refrain (リフレインが叫んでる)
12. Like I Don’t Know You (よそゆき顔で)
13. Rondo (輪舞曲)
14. Surf Heaven, Ski Heaven (サーフ天国、スキー天国)
15. One Afternoon By the Sea (海を見ていた午後)
16. Unreachable Passion – Don’t Let Me Go (情熱に届かない)
17. CANNA 8GOUSEN (カンナ8号線)
1.Hello, my friend
2.Wrapped in Kindness (やさしさに包まれたなら)
3.Between Those 5 Centimeters (5㎝の向う岸)
4.Before the Diamond Dust Fades (ダイアモンドダストが消えぬまに)
5.My Baby Santa Claus (恋人がサンタクロース)
7.Cinderella Express (シンデレラ・エクスプレス)
8.No Side (ノーサイド)
9.Love Dance (ダンスのように抱き寄せたい)
11. Full Moon Fortune (満月のフォーチュン)
12. Flying in the Dark (消灯飛行)
13. Chasing the Horizon ~ L’aventure au désert (ホライズンを追いかけて)
14. Temptation of the Starry Sky (.星空の誘惑)
15. Cecil’s Weekend (セシルの週末)
16. Traveling Through Scatter Petals (花紀行)
17. Longing for Spring (春よ、来い)
1.Valentine’s RADIO
2. Pearl Earrings (真のピアス)
3. The Paled Room (翳りゆく部屋)
5. Torn by the Sea Breeze (潮風にちぎれて)
6. Forgiveness
7. End of Winter (冬の終り)
8. I Want to Return to That Day (あの日にかえりたい)
9. Message in Rouge (ルージュの伝言)
10. Wind Over the Wharf (埠頭を渡る風)
11. Velvet Easter (ベルベット・イースター)
12. VOYAGER ~ Gravestone Without Dates~ (VOYAGER〜日付のない墓標〜)
13. I Want to Protect You (守ってあげたい)
14. Universal Library (宇宙図書館)
16. Blue Airmail Envelope (青いエアメイル)
17. Call Me Back (new song)
Check out the MV for “Call Me Back” featuring Yumi Arai (AI voice) on YouTube!