EXILE ATSUSHI clears up dating rumours

EXILE front man and main vocalist ATSUSHI has cleared up rumors regarding his love life. At the end of September the infamous tabloid magazine FRIDAY reported that ATSUSHI was involved with a woman in her 20s. She apparently works as a teacher in an elementary school, and had her eyes set on marriage.

Today on October 4th ATSUSHI made a post on his official Instagram account shedding some light on the rumors. He was confused as to why such an old picture was only now making headlines. ATSUSHI admitted that the two dated in the past, and revealed that the picture printed in FRIDAY was four years old. The two decided to part ways two years ago, largely in part to his studies and constant activities overseas. ATSUSHI apologized to both his fans and his ex for getting her involved in this mess with the media, and asked his fans to please respect her privacy.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Instagam entry commented on a surprise appearance the singer made at the wedding of a lucky fanclub member. While he hasn’t found that special someone to call his wife yet, he asked fans to look forward to the “resurrection” of EXILE next year. ATSUSHI is currently spending a lot of his time overseas perfecting his craft to make the comeback that much more special. The full Instagram post featuring his impressive English can be seen below.

#atsushizm 本日は、先日のファンクラブの結婚式サプライズ出演の写真を‼︎ EXILEモバイルのコメントとほぼ重複してしまいますが、いつも応援してくださる皆さん、この度は急な報道で、皆さんを驚かせてしまって本当に申し訳ございません。僕自身、急に四年前の写真が報道により出てしまって、本当にビックリしています。本当のところ、正直なお話をさせていただきますと、彼女と過去にお付き合いしていたのは事実です…。しかし、約2年ほど前に、自分の留学の想いも告げた上で、お互いの道を歩むことを決めて、お別れをしました。その過去のことが、今になって急に出てきたので、なんで今なんだろう⁈という感じで、大変戸惑っておりました…。皆さんを驚かせてしまって、本当に申し訳ございません。僕はまだ、しばらくは、"祝う側" でいることが長くなりそうです(笑)"祝われる側" は、今はそういった予定もなければ、そのようなお相手の方すらも、存在してございません‼ 今はただ、来年のEXILE復活にかけて、沸々と湧き上がる自分の気持ちをなんとか抑えているようなそんなモチベーションと、沸騰しかけているファンの皆さんの熱い想いを感じながら、着々と準備を進めている次第です‼どうか、来年からの活動を楽しみにしていただけたら、何よりもありがたく、嬉しいことです。 最後に一つだけ捕捉させてください…。一般人である彼女が、自分のせいでいきなり2年前に終わっていた事を、突撃された時の気持ちを考えると、多大なる責任を感じるとともに、居ても立っても居られない気持ちになりました。どうかこれから、彼女のプライバシーが守られることを、心より切に願っております。 37歳のサングラスのおじさんの恋バナ…。まったく面白くないので、もうそろそろやめましょう。(笑) また今日から、気持ちを切り替えて、明るい話題で溢れるように、精進したいと思います。 いつも応援してくださるみなさん、本当にありがとうございます。そして、どうかあたたかく見守ってくださると嬉しいです。. EXILE ATSUSHI . Today I wanna share this picture from the other day when I made a surprise appearance at one of the fan club member's wedding! I may be repeating the same thing as for the EXILE Mobile comments, but to everyone who has always supported me – I am truly sorry if you were surprised by the recent reports in the media. I myself was surprised to see a picture from four years ago!! And here's the truth. I’ll be very honest. I had a relationship with the lady in question in the past… However, about two years ago we decided to go our separate ways due to my studies and work overseas. I am very puzzled as to why this story from the past has suddenly surfaced now. I am truly sorry for this. I will for a while still be on the "celebrating as a guest for a wedding" side. I have no plans currently of "being celebrated" yet. I have not found that person. Right now, I am working extremely hard and looking forward for the EXILE resurrection next year! I feel your encouragement and that is turned into such passion, enthusiasm and motivation. Please look forward to all the exciting things coming up next year. I’m always grateful for your warm encouragement. Please let me add this. A relationship that ended 2 years ago. I feel responsible about my ex getting involved in all this. I hope you’ll respect her privacy.

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(via yahoo topics)

